Our service today was led by the Revd David Skitt, retired URC minister and old friend of Trinity. The Bible readings are Psalm 98 and John 15: 9-17.  You can read/download the Order of Service here

Our service today was led by Revd Alistair Cumming (Church of Scotland minister, Clerk of the Presbytery of England) and included the celebration of Communion. The Bible readings are 1 John 4:7-21 and John 15: 1-8.  You can read/download the Order of Service here

Today’s Service was led on Zoom by some of Trinity’s Elders.  Our thanks to Mike, Robin G, Dodie and Katrina for leading the service, and to Andrew for the music. The Bible readings are John 10: 11-18 and 1 John 3: 16-24.  You can read/download the Order of Service here.

We were delighted to welcome the Moderator of General Assembly, the Revd Clare Downing, to lead our worship today on Zoom. The Bible readings were Psalm 4 and Luke 24:36-49.  You can read/download the Order of Service here.

Our worship at 11:00 was conducted live on Zoom by the Revd Roger Jones (URC Minister serving the Tolworth, Ewell and Epsom Churches). The Bible readings are Acts 4: 32-36 and John 20: 24-31.  You can read/download the Order of Service here.

Our Easter service, celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus, was held live on Zoom.  It was led by Revd David Marshall-Jones (retired minister of the United Reformed Church) and includes Holy Communion. The Bible readings are 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and Mark 16:1-8.  You can read/download the Order of Service here.

Our Good Friday service is a recorded service of reflection.  It includes a presentation of “The Nail” based on Stephen Cottrell’s Lent book where some key characters at the Crucifixion reflect on their experience of the Passion.  Our thanks to all those who took part in readings – Pam & Guy, Robin G, Sandy, Dodie, Graham, Alissa, Claire, Cathy, …

Our worship for Palm Sunday was conducted live on Zoom by the Revd Andy Twilley (URC Southern Synod’s Training & Development Officer). The Bible reading was Luke 19: 37–44.  You can read or download the Order of Service here.

Our Virtual ‘New Life’ Messy Church is now live. It will stay here for you to view at a time that suits. It is an Easter celebration of crafts, music, story, a quiz and prayer. If you want to get any craft materials ready, our crafts this time include card, runny glue, table salt, paints, wool, egg shells, a …

Today’s worship was a live ‘Worship At Home’ service held on Zoom. It was led by some of our own Trinity members, who reflected on God’s ‘Covenant’.  We are very grateful to them for preparing and leading our service today. The Bible readings are Jeremiah 31: 31-34 and Hebrews 8: 1-7 & 13.  Read/download the Order of Service …