Sunday 31 December 11:00     Family worship Monday 1 January – New Year’s Day & Bank Holiday Tuesday 2 January Wednesday 3 January 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus 20:00         Elders’ Council Thursday 4 January 10:00 -13:00        Christmas Tree Festival dismantling 14:30         Pastoral Team Friday 5 January 10:00         Trinity Toddlers 19:30         Film Club Saturday …

  Our Calendar of Services & Events for January to June 2018 is available here.

Junior Church will be holding their annual New Year’s party on Saturday 6 January, from 4 to 6pm. There will be delicious food, fun craft and games on the theme of Epiphany and the Magi. It’s for everybody aged 5 and over, whether they’ve been to Junior Church, Pilots or Supersonic, and friends are very …

We have tickets booked for the Pantomime at Wimbledon Theatre on Saturday 6 January at 2pm.  The tickets are £37 per person and are limited.  If you would like tickets, please sign the list on the notice board in the vestry corridor or speak to Dodie Khurshid.

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: Pray for all in the Trinity community who are travelling, or who are hosting visitors Our Borough: Pray for those on duty with the emergency services in our Borough over the Christmas …

On Christmas Eve at 5.30pm, please do come to our Christingle Service to celebrate the Christmas story.  A simple service for all ages, but especially for families. Carols and Christingle-making for everyone. If you’ve never made one, now is your chance!  It will be good fun. Why not join us?  All very welcome – but especially children!

On Christmas Eve (Sunday 24 December) a traditional service of Holy Communion as we welcome Christmas Day and Celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Christmas Eve Communion by Candlelight service starts at 11:15pm and will last about an hour.  We look forward to seeing you.

Christmas Day Celebration Worship at 10:30. Come and join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Children (and others…) are invited to bring along one of the presents they’ve opened, to show everybody!

    All our Christmas collections this year will be donated to Crisis – the national charity for single homeless people.  The collections will be taken at four services: Carols by Candlelight (17 December) Christingle (24 December) Communion by Candlelight (24 December) Christmas Celebration Worship (25 December)

A very big ‘thank you’ to everyone – individuals, organisations, local businesses, schools, charities – who made our third Christmas Tree Festival such a success. Thank you so much for your sponsorship of the Festival.  We are delighted to announce that a cheque for £3,500 has been sent to Save the Children from the Festival. …